Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's so hot my cat has melted!!
We are in the midst of a monster heat wave here, I think we are supposed to reach 100 today.
Haven't been up to much lately, it's just been too hot!

All the critters are doing thier best to keep cool. Bill took a bath in Hannahs water bowl.

I'll admit, I went a little overboard with the garden this year. If there was space, I stuck a plant there. So far I have harvested 3 zuccini, a couple of squash and lots of peas and green beans.
With this heat wave, the squash is growing like crazy out there.

Lots of pears coming along

And apples.....

Usually I have a few "suprises" in the garden. Things that I didn't plant and just pop up on thier own. Last yeat it was the mysterious monster squash. This year I have quite a few sunflowers that were planted by the birds, and a mystery tree that I keep having to prune back.
There were a few even more suprising suprises this year. I have quite a few pots of things on the deck and I notice that my swiss chard has migrated over to my pot of basil and there is a baby tomato plant sprouting in the rosemary pot.
Well, I'm off to water the chickens...keep cool folks

1 comment:

Sheila E said...

Your garden is beautiful! The plants love having this sun well as alot of watering to go with it...kinda like gin and tonic I guess....that brings up other issues...never mind.
I hope that you are feeling well and enjoying the summer...taking cool baths with the critters ;)<