Friday, March 19, 2010


Here is the Bf's latest project, looks like he put the bronze furnace on the back burner for a while. This is a Chesapeke Light Craft Skerry sailboat.
He ordered the plans from the company and cut out all the peices himself and is now putting it all together. It uses marine grade plywood and resin and fiberglass stuff.

I'll try to keep the blog updated with picture as much as I can.
Hopefully there will also be raised garden bed photos too.

Holy Bird Balls Batman!

Yep, birds do have em. Gentleman Bubba had a check up at the vet and then a couple of days later he went back after he had a fall.
(Yes, birds are clumsy and can and do fall off their perches sometimes)
Anyway the vet took some X-rays to check him out and it was discovered that due to being hormonally imbalanced Bubba has enlarged testicles. It's not life threatening or anything and he is now getting medicine to help balance out his hormones. Still, I have to say it, my Bubba bird has big balls.


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Sheila E said...

My you have been a busy bee lately.
Spring cleaning...digging up long ago buried treasures...
The BF's boat is awesome...what a nice craftsmen he is!
Big Balls reminds me of a Dan Bern song...if you haven't heard his music you Really should check it out.
Glad Bubba is feeling better..maybe now he can stay on his perch.