Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Miss Lily says " Wake me when summer starts"
The weather here lately has been just plain old depressing. All cool cloudy and rain.
This slow summer has reeked havoc with my garden, the spinach, broccoli,Brussels sprouts have all bolted already. Even the turnips have gone all twisted!
I'm trying to be positive and looking at all of this as an experiment. I'll just replace the bolted stuff with something else. So far the potatoes, corn, soy beans,peas, and various other veggies are looking pretty good.
Fruitwise all the trees are looking pretty good. Noticed some cherries getting red today and the raspberries are going crazy. I'm going to have to be on the ball to pick them before the birds notice them.
The BF has been busy with his volunteer work at the Northwest Seaport with the boats.

In other adventures I managed to take a spill at a clients house chasing off a racoon. Twisted my ankle pretty good. It hurt like the dickens and got all bruised and swollen and I couldn't walk on it for a couple of days.
I guess this was some kind of racoon revenge from skirmishes of the past : )

I've had some good news lately, I finally got another part  time job (with benefits!!!) to add to my existing one. Can't seem to find full time work but this should work out pretty well for me since the new second  job is very close to several of my existing clients. Plus what I've been doing can be very flexible
It will be such a relief to have descent health insurance  again

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