Wednesday, December 05, 2007

All I want for Chistmas is a Meniscectomy!

Last summer I went to the fair, sat down to watch a show and when I got up I found I couldn't walk very well. My right knee was locking up and making all kinds of weird noises. This went on for awhile where it would be fine and then go out on me all of the sudden. The Doctor told me that I had just strained something but it didn't improve so I saw the orthopedist and got an MRI which showed that I had torn my Meniscus. They said I could either live with it or get surgery to repair it. Generally it didn't bother me too much but with our big trip coming up this spring I wanted to be able to go hiking without having to worry too much about my knee.

Everyone at the hospital was very nice and I didn't have to wait too long. The hospital I went to is a training hospital so the anesethiologist that saw me was a resident. Poor guy had a hard time finding a viable vein in me. I 've always have known that I have hidden viens and to get blood the first time is pretty rare for me. So after poking me twice in my left hand, twice in the left arm, once on my right hand and he finally got the attending Dr to get blood out of my right wrist. Then they got me into the operating room and poled me some more in my back for the epidural thingy. Finally a nice lady asked me if I would like to go to sleep and I said yes. Nex thing I know I woke up and Bf was there.

We got home without any trouble ( meaning I didn't puke in the car) They gave me some painkillers that I took and would come to regret later. I guess I just have a hair trigger tummy and spent most of the rest of the day tossing my cookies.

So all the critter are very happy to have me doing very little other than sitting in the layzboy petting them. Hannah only comes out of my shirt for air everycouple or hours or so and Jasmine cat tries to get as much laptime as she can. I am feeling better and getting by ok with some Advil and the knee isn't too painful. It's a little awkward getting around on crutches but I think I should be ok to walk in a day or two.

The BF has been great helping me. I thought I would feel more like knitting than I actually do. The critters are just fine with that.

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