Sunday, September 30, 2007

Yet more pictures of our OFF adventures, we have the spinning circle and our campsite mad my friends Sheila and Michael ( thanks for the needles!) in thier lovely booth. They always seem to draw a big crowd where ever they go with all thier beuatiful glass stuff
Here was something I had not seen before, a Llama taxi.
Well, in other news mt SIL managed to fracture a bone in her ankle when she was giving me a tour of her property in Onalaska. Then she spent about a week or so walking on it ! She's got a bootie on it now and is resting it so hopefull she will be getting better soon.

I am still waiting to hear from my orthopedist about my right knee. I possibly tore my meniscus or something in there so that every now and then it locks up on me. I'm pretty sure that it's a minor thing that I can live with and surgery won't be something I have to worry about in the near future.

The chickens are doing well, egg production has either dropped due to the shorter days or they found a new hiding place. A couple have started to moult so there are a couple of cemi naked chickens running around my backyard. Fortunately feathers dont go to waste. A co-worker of mine collects feather and makes dreamcatchers with them.

Had a suprise this morning. I noticed one of the BF's giant goldfish was missing from the tank. None of the cats looked particularly guilty so I checked the freezer and there he was. So he must have passed away over night.

I got the bright idea to vacuum seal alot of my fiber with my food saver to save space. It works but I do miss being able to walk in the room and see all that I posses at one go. Oh well, at least my closet isn't a hazard area!

1 comment:

Sheila E said...

Great pictures from the show!!
Didn't we have FUN!! Can't wait for the next adventure!!
You take good care of yourself My Dear!! You are a prize lady ;)
I will be keeping good thoughts about your knee!!