Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Well I really don't have anything terribly new or exciting to post about. At least no interesting pictures. I'll find something interesting to put on here pretty soon.
I just finished knitting a scarf (maybe stole) depending on how it blocks. it also may be a birthday present so there won't be any photos of it. But that depends on how it blocks. I have also been working on locker rug hooking, so yes I am a happy hooker. I learned how from my SIL at OFF. I have made a small one to use for my little Joy when at shows and spin ins and so forth. There is another one I am working oon too that's bigger. It's a great way to use up fiber.

In other new I found out that I had a couple of float days left to take at work so I randomly picked a couple of days and the next thing I know we're going to Vegas! Again! I've lost track of how many times we've been now but it's a lot of fun even if your not big gamblers like us. This time we're staying at the Hilton. It's a little off the strip but it's where the Star trek experience is and Quarks restaurant. So we'll be hangin out eating HamBorgers and drinking 7 of 9 martini's with clingons. Apparently the dates I chose at random is the weekend of the breeders cup.This make the BF very happy. It also makes the Hotel prices jump up too. Anyhoo I will be content to park my butt infront of a video poker machine with a watery coke (with a smidgeon of rum) and lose money.

Since we're so close the the Trekkie workd I just hope I don't get asimilated!While the Bf dreams of the horses and the ever elusive royal flush I will be pleased to make it though the trip without barfing, falling over and/or bursting into tears over a dead rabbit. ( a real rabbit, his name was Bob)

The falling over part is becuase I recently found out that I have a torn meniscus in my right knee. An Mri confirmed that I've gone and torn a part of the meniscus cartildge in there. So becuase there's non blood flow to that area it doesnt hurt much at all but every now and then when I am walking the torn bit will get in the way and my knee will lock up on me.
I have been advised that I can have a minor surger to fix the problem or I can live with it. Right now I am thinking to get the surgery to prevent it from getting any worse as I get older.

I recently got a new camera so of course there are lots of birdie pictures and maybe there will be a birdie video or two here pretty soon.

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