Saturday, November 03, 2007

The latest correspondant report from the racoon war.

It seems we were lucky and that there were not as many casualties as orginally thought. Some who were given up for lost had actually managed to hide until the carnage was over.

Sadly two comrades were lost to the invading maurader racoon fraction. Nickel and Dime Hen, two sisters who were fine upstanding egg layers were slain in the initial attack. The ruthlessness of the invaders was made evident by the fact that after a counter attack of serious poking had been launched the enemy retreated ,only to return later that same night and take another life.

The other occupants of Chicken Corner did not escape unscathed. Diane, a roubust Ameracuna sustained a small bite wound on the neck and BigBetty 2, a Silver laced Wyndotte recieved a wound to her lower back end, thus leaving her with an embarrassing bald spot. Both brave ladies are doing well and recovering nicely.

It will be some time before the trauma of 10/31 is forgotten, nay , perhaps it never will be, and remain in our hearts foever as a day when the racoon war was initiated.

President Bf acted swiftly after the attack to give the deceased a commendable burial and obtain a large trap to ensnare the enemy. From now on Chicken Corner is under security status Yellow feather until further notice. This means all fowl will be under strict curfew at night and security locks have been placed on the coop.

Every night, under condtion Yellow Feather the secret weapon will be dispatched This is all apart of secret operation " Entrap,greedy,god-awful,enemny and drown, also known and hereby will be refered to as operation EGGED.

It's growing dark out ladies and gentlemen and this war correspondant has put in a full days work to bring you the latest news from the front of this tragic war.
I have been made privvy to the secret workings of operation EGGED and can tell you first hand when those bastard racoons fall to the mother of all pissed off chicken owners... it will be a dark day for them indeed.

Untill nest time or if should breaking new occur we will be the firs on the scence to report the new to you our faithful readers..

This is war correspondant H. C. Bird reporting for Fowl News bidding you good night and happy scratchings

Well, thats the news from the war front. In other news I finished a hat and here are the pictures to prove it. I used a pattern that did not call for circular needles but had you sew up a flat piece. It turned out ok but I'm not crazy about the seem up the back.

1 comment:

Sheila E said...

Those Sweet intruder in their lovely home must have been So Very Frightening! My heart goes out to them and to you Dear One!
I will keep good thoughts that those Nasty Raccoons have the Good Sense to say the F*#k away....knowing that there will be Hell to Pay!
Meanwhile, cute hat!