Saturday, April 05, 2008

In Memoriam of Diane

This is Penny hen here with the latest sad news from the war front. The sneaky bastard struck again last night taking our own dear Diane hen from us during the night. He must have snuck up on her while we were sleeping. From the carnage the people found this morning Diane did not go without a fight. There was a brief funeral this morning and the people spent time reinforcing coop knox. Looks like we will be moving back in. The people thought that with us having the run of the big yard we would be able to find places to hide if the Coon ever came back, but sadly he's just too smart for us little old hens.

The little girl person who lives next door noticed the loss of Diane and asked her Daddy person to inquire about her. Our people told the Daddy person what had happened and he in turn informed the little girl person that "Sometimes chickens just loose a bunch of feathers " The people decided to sheild the young one from the true horrors of the event.

There has been talk of various ways to defeat this wiley enemy,the people spoke of something called a crossbow with laser sights on it and pellet or air guns. They reset the trap and took a few other measures in hopes of vanquishing the dreaded furry shit. There were even rumours going around of bringing in reinforcements..something called a dog? If this dog will be on our side and fight off the intruder we hens are all for it..

The people also mentioned consulting a book called " Where the red fern grows" this book aparently deals with these horrible beasts.

Morale among us isn't too bad, we have been enjoying visits from Mr and Mrs Duck now and then and we plan on laying low for awhile. If there are any further developements in the racoon war we will keep you posted

1 comment:

Sheila E said...

I am so sorry for your loss! I think that a nice dog would be just what the Dr. ordered! I think there's a space for MR. DOG "the protector".
Clucks to all of you!