Friday, May 09, 2008

In memorium of Penny Hen

Yes, these feathers are all that's left of my last Ameracuna Hen Penny. I was awakened this morning to hear the two big Betties clucking up a storm longer and louder than thier usual morning cackle. Not thinking anything was wrong I went to the run to see poor Penny had been killed by another of those furry shits. No more pretty blue and green eggs.

I found where the shit had dug under the chicken wire that went under the fence.

The Big Betties were upset but all the babies were safe. I think that they were not bothered becuase they preferred to sleep in the coop. Old Penny liked to sleep up on the roof. So now everyone is going to be locked up every night. The babies are beign very good about gong to bed in the coop once it gets dark. I think the Betties are a little out of sorts now they are in the minority, but being the easy going girls I think it won't be long before eveyone is getting along.

When I locked everyone up tonight there was a pile of babies next to the two Betties giving them the wary eye on them in the coop.

This is it, this is no holds bar war. I have set the trap again and if I don't catch one then other more drastic measures will be taken. One of which may involve talking the BF into Peeing around the yard and or some type of weaponry. This is the fourth chicken they have murdered. I am even comtemplating waiting in my car one early morning to see if any of them cross the street.

I have learned of something called "Coon Candy" hmmm my furry shit friends may find themselves a treat.I have purchased several motion alarms and a couple of water squirters that you hook up to your gardern hose and when the detect motion they blast whatever crosses thier path with water. If it comes down to it I may even look into getting some kind of electric wire.

Is this the KFC drive thru?

Right now racoons and stupid doctors are on my shit list. Generally I am a pretty mellow easy going person,it takes alot to ruffle my feathers so to speak, just don't fuck with my chickens or talk down to me and we'll get along fine.

And on a lighter note....

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