Sunday, June 22, 2008

What do chickens like to eat?

Why chicken of course! Here the girls are finishing off some left over roast relative.

The babies are almost as big as the older girls, most all of them are getting thier Ba-goks now.

I made a duplex nestbox for the coop and of course it is avoided like the plague ( avian flu?) In order to avoid it the Big Betties are forced to snuggle up a little closer to the baby clique

The continues to amaze me with his endless talents. Not only does he bake bread from scratch, create art and alternative photography, babysit 3 annoying parrots with ease but he can also build walls! Actual walls! with sheetrock and everything! We had been talking about renovating the laundry slash bathroom. Actually it's a room with a toilet, sink washer dryer and two doors. If you are coming into the house from the garage and some one needs to drop a duece you need to wait your turn, or just say Hi as you walk by them on the pot. Growing up this was a common occurance. I can recall having some long conversations with my mother this way.

Anyhoo, due to this we hardly ever used that room for anything other than laundry.

So we decided to think about making some changes. One of which was building a closet ouside the room in the garage with a cat door going from the laundry room to the inside of the closet where the cats can crap in peace and quiet. Plus they would technically be craping outside of the house.

This was the Bf's motivation, mine was the idea of a whole brand new closet in which to store things! Yarn, canned goods,earthquake supplies..consrtuction paper!!

So after a couple of trips to the Megalomart we got the stuff we needed.

Then he set to work, it's only been a weekend and he is almost done.

I know Mom is probably churning in her urn to see changes in the house but I think she would like what we're doing.

So here are the photos!! Just look at all that storage space!!

the above is the before pix

While the bf was busy I was creating this nice and cozy
den of marshmellows...
Really it's not a trap, just a little safe havan of marshmellows. I think we are being visited by marshmellow loving "possum. Something a little smaller than a racoon has been digging under the fence yet again. I am even driving wooden stakes into the ground to try to deter this bugger. So far it has made off somehow with a t-rex rat trap I set out. I can't find the trap anywhere so I guess maybe he took it home with him. He also has managed to steal marshmellows out of regular rat traps setting them off ..but not getting himself caught. He also likes to dig and scratch around the traps for awhile too.

I'll get more closet pix up here soon, Bf got the cat door in the wall and there were cats trying to get through it even before he finished. So far they have no problem goin out the new cat door but they will still come to the back door and scratch to be let in... eventually I hope they will figure out the door swings both ways!

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