Friday, December 07, 2007

Is it Christmas yet?

The knee is healing well. I found the painkillers were the worst part of the whole ordeal. I am able to walk somewhat normallly today and it's not hurting me much at all.

This is a scarf I am working on to go with the hat I had made out of Noro Silk. I was going to take a picture of the goof BF hat but I can't find it so I assume it is currently on his head.
Nothing much new going on. I wrapped some Christmas presents today and made my first attempt at driving with the new knee. I had let the girls out yesterday because I felt bad for them. They were very happy to be out and about. The poor things really wanted to take dust baths but there wasn't much dry dirt out back so it wound up being more of a mud bath. They tried thier best though. It was funny how once the chickens were out in the backyard all the wild birds suddenly showed up too. Crows, Blue jays and even a couple of humming birds decided to stop by. I guess when they see the chickens out they assume there's going to be some bread or other food out there too. I was hoping that they would be good chickens and go back to the coop at night but nooooooooooo they wanted to stay out and sleep on the deck. So I had to hobble about trying to carry each one down to the coop. This morning I was suprised to find the girls waiting outside the back door this morning since I had locked them up last night. The little buggers found a way to sneak out under the fence. So it looks like I have to round them up again tonight.

My nieghbor behind me has a german shepard mix type dog who isn't friendly. Every now and then he knocks a board loose in the fence and I have to go out to hammer it back in. Whenever I go near the fence he goes nuts barking. Talk about annoying!

When we had the big storm last Monday the city declared a state of emergencey and evacuated the office buidling where I work. So I got out of work a little early. There's a creek that runs through the complex and it was overflowing so that there's was only one way in or out of the business park.

I haven't been back to work since then due to the operation. It will be interesting though since there has been some serious mud-slinging going on at work. Other departments in the company seem to think the my department gets paid too much. Well, I wonder how the other departments faired when my dept had to close down all-together.
It's the usual stuff, people unable to mind thier own business. Who needs soap operas when real life can be so interesting?

1 comment:

scarface said...

marry Christmas in 2 weeks time..nice to see you